Leaders & Effective Communication
Non-verbal communication accounts for at least 90% of the impact of your communication.
Effective Communication: Techniques
To be effective, managers who communicate should apply certain rules based on the control of non-verbal communication, which, let’s not forget, represents at least 90% of the impact of communication: the contact established by the sustained gaze, an assured voice because it is strong and rhythmic, with pauses on important words, gestures that are congruent with what is being said, and a posture that reflects assurance, dynamism and efficiency, etc.
I would add that the communication of leaders becomes more effective when they apply themselves to remain concise. Very often long speeches dilute the important messages. These are techniques that need to be worked on and learned, and progress can be rapid when they are well coached.
How should business leaders communicate when addressing populations with divergent positions or interests?
We all know the adage “You can’t please everyone”. However, when you are a manager, you are the boss of all your employees. You have to make decisions that allow the business to be profitable and sustainable. It is important to protect the employees and the interests of the shareholders, which is not always easy: remain factual, use positive vocabulary and avoid negations, explain clearly why certain decisions are taken, put yourself in the shoes of those you are talking to, and use your emotional intelligence to choose your words carefully.
The good news is that you can improve your Emotional Intelligence (EI) and it has a magical effect on oneself and others.
The significance of communication in a crisis situation.
Communication in a crisis situation is fundamental because it allows a message to be shared that will circumscribe the crisis and its impact. It helps to avoid an excess of false information which is bound to be shared and amplified and which can have serious consequences for the company and its employees. Crisis communication meets very precise criteria, which guarantee its effectiveness. It is important to be accompanied by experts. Many companies anticipate crises and have their communications adapted to each potential crisis prepared in advance. In a crisis situation, you have to act very quickly, so anticipation allows you to be reactive and remain effective.
How can trust be built or regained through communication?
When trust is lost, it is very difficult to restore it. At these levels of responsibility, the demands are greater and communication plays a key role. Leading by example, leading ethically, learning from mistakes are the words that come to my mind. When the leader has the ability to inspire trust, he or she can take the teams much further. Trust and respect lead to loyalty and commitment from the employees who work in the company alongside their leaders.
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